
Many of the resources consulted are available online, however some services, such as JSTOR, may require a subscription.

A more comprehensive bibliography is available on Zotero.


  1. Bibliographies
  2. Dictionaries and word lists
  3. Grammar
  4. Orthography
  5. Phonology
  6. Primers
  7. Regional varieties
  8. General descriptions
  9. Historical linguistics
  10. Teochew culture and history
  11. Other
  12. Other Chinese languages


Cháoshàn fāngyán zìdiǎn bǎnběn - lǎnbiǎo 潮汕方言字典版本-览表. Swatow University Library, Chaoshan Special Collection website

Dong Zhongsi 董忠司 (2003). Wú Shòulǐ jiàoshòu de Cháozhōu yǔwén yánjīu jí qí chéngjìu 吳守禮教授的潮州語文研究及其成就 (Teochew language research of Prof. Wu Shouli and its results)《慶祝曹逢甫教授六十華誕專號 臺灣語文研究》 1.1:1–24 Journal of Taiwanese Languages and Literature (PDF)

Lin Lunlun 林倫倫 (1995) Guǎngdōng Mǐn fāngyán yánjīu shùpíng 廣東閩方言研究述評 (Bibliography of research on Eastern Guangdong dialects) 《中國語文研究》11 : 177-193 Chinese University of Hong Kong

Shared online bibliography on Teochew language hosted on Zotero.

Dictionaries and word lists

Vocabulary lists are also included in the books listed under “General descriptions” below.

Cài Jùnmíng 蔡俊明. (1991). Cháozhōu fāngyán cíhuì 《潮州方言詞彙》 (Vocabulary of the Chaozhou dialect). Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.

  • Phonetically-organized dictionary of Teochew language, with definitions in Mandarin and example sentences, in both characters and phonetic spelling.

Duffus, William. (1883). English-Chinese vocabulary of the vernacular or spoken language of Swatow. Swatow: English Presbyterian Mission Press. Internet Archive, Wikisource transcription

  • English-Teochew dictionary, organized by English headwords. For each word, Teochew glosses are given in romanization only.

Fielde, A. M. (1883). A pronouncing and defining dictionary of the Swatow dialect, arranged according to syllables and tones. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press. Internet Archive, Wikisource transcription project

  • Organized alphabetically with Fielde’s own romanization system, words and example phrases/sentences are found under the head character; Chinese characters only given for the head character of each entry, definitions in English. The book is currently being transcribed digitally on Wikisource.

Goddard, Josiah. (1888). A Chinese and English vocabulary in the Tie-Chiu dialect, 2nd. ed. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press. Internet Archive, Wikisource transcription

Goh Eng Choon 吴英俊. (2020) Xīnbiān Cháozhōu kǒuyǔ jíshì 《新编潮州口语集释》 (Collection of Teochew vernacular language, new edition). Singapore: 艺品良印.

  • Dictionary of Singapore Teochew, organized alphabetically by Pêng’im, definitions in Mandarin and English and example Teochew sentences in Chinese characters. The first edition was published in 2017. A primer derived from the entries in this dictionary was published in 2018.

Lin Lunlun 林伦伦. (1991, 1992). Shàntóu fāngyán cíhuì 汕头方言词汇 (Vocabulary of Swatow dialect). 《方言》1991年2期153-160页、1991年3期232-240页、1991年4期310-314页、1992年1期78-80页.

  • Vocabulary list organized thematically, including many vernacular words that lack standard characters, pronunciation written with IPA.

Li Xinkui, Lin Lunlun 李新魁、林伦伦 (1992). Cháoshàn fāngyáncí kǎoshì 《潮汕方言词考释》 (Discussions on Chaoshan vernacular words). 广东:广东人民出版社

Li Yongming 李永明. (1995). Cháozhōu fāngyán de díeyīncí 潮州方言的疊音詞 (Reduplicated words in Teochew). 《中國語文研究》11 : 205-210 Chinese University of Hong Kong

Liu Yaozi 劉堯咨. (1995). Shuō Cháozhōuhuà 《說潮州話》 (Speak Teochew). Guangzhou 廣州: Huanan Ligong Daxue Chubanshe 華南理工大學出版社.

TCKnow LLC. (2021). WhatTCSay3. Website

  • Teochew-English/French dictionary app, available for Android and iOS platforms. Uses the Gaginang Peng’im system. Entries can be searched by Peng’im, character, or English/French translations, and many include sound recordings of their Teochew pronunciation.


Chappell, Hilary. (2017). A sketch of Southern Min grammar. Preprint online

  • Short outline of Min-nan grammar, mostly based on Taiwanese Hokkien

Childe, Nellie 蔡志純. (1971). A transformational-generative outline of Swatow grammar. (MA dissertation) University of Hong Kong. doi:10.5353/th_b3194723

Cole, Peter & Lee Cher Leng. (1997). Locality constraints on yes/no questions in Singapore Teochew. Journal of East Asian Linguistics 6 : 189-211. doi:10.1023/A:1008237705178

Matthews, Stephen; Xu Huiling; Virginia Yip. (2005). Passive and unaccusative in the Jieyang dialect of Chaozhou. Journal of East Asian Linguistics 14 : 267-298. doi:10.1007/s10831-005-3822-1

Tan, Adeline. (2020). L’expression du déplacement en chaozhou : les formes introduisant un groupe nominal locatif et l’encodage de la trajectoire. (PhD dissertation) Paris: Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales. tel-03206783 HAL

Xu Hui Ling 許惠玲. (2007). Aspect of Chaozhou grammar. A synchronic description of the Jieyang variety. Journal of Chinese Linguistics Monograph Series No. 22. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press. JSTOR

  • First detailed study of Teochew grammar available in English

Yue-Hashimoto, Anne O. (1991). Stratification in comparative dialectal grammar: A case in Southern Min. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 19 (2) : 172-201. JSTOR

  • Examines the different types of V-not-V question syntax in Southern Min, including Swatow Teochew.

Yue, Anne O. (2003). Chinese dialects: Grammar. In G. Thurgood & R. J. LaPolla (Eds.), The Sino-Tibetan Languages. London: Routledge, pp. 84–125.


Cheng, Robert. (1978). Taiwanese morphemes in search of Chinese characters. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 6, 306–314. JSTOR

Snow, Don and Chen Nuanling. (2015). Missionaries and written Chaoshanese. Global Chinese 1 (1) : 5-26. doi:10.1515/glochi-2015-1001


Bodman, Nicholas C. (1982). Some recent sound shifts in Chaozhou and other Southern Min dialects. Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 53 (4) : 615-625. Academia Sinica (PDF)

Kwok Bit-Chee. (2018). Southern Min : Comparative Phonology and Subgrouping. London: Routledge.

Kwok Bit-Chee 郭必之. (2018) Hànzì, wéndú yǔ gòucí céngcì : Xiàménhuà hé Shàntóuhuà bǐjiào de qǐshí 漢字、文讀與構詞層次-廈門話和山頭話比較的啟示 (The interfaces between Chinese characters, literary readings and morphological strata: The cases of Xiàmén Mǐn and Shàntóu Mǐn) 《漢學研究》 36 (3) : 235-258. PDF

Lin Lunlun, Chen Xiaofeng 林倫倫 陳小楓. (1996). Guǎngdōng Mǐn fāngyán yǔyīn yánjīu 广东闽方言语音研究 (Phonology of the Min dialects of Guangdong province). Swatow: Swatow University Press 汕頭大學出版社.

Ting Pang-hsin. (1979). A note on tone change in the Ch’ao-chou dialect. Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 50 (2) : 257-271. PDF

Yang Xiufang 楊秀芳. (1982). Mǐnnányǔ wénbái xìtǒng de yánjīu 閩南語文白系統的研究 (Investigation of the literary-vernacular pronunciation system in Minnan languages). (PhD dissertation) National Taiwan University, Taipei. National Taiwan University library

Zhang Jian 張堅. (2018). Cháozhōu fāngyán de “zhèngyīn” yǔ xīn wéndú céngcì 潮州方言的「正音」與新文讀層次 (Zhengyin and the new literary pronunciation of Chaozhou dialect) 《漢學研究》 36 (3) : 209-234. National Central Library, Taiwan (PDF)


Ashmore, W. (1884). Primary lessons in Swatow grammar (colloquial). Swatow: English Presbyterian Mission Press. Internet Archive, Wikisource transcription project

Dean, W. (1841). First lessons in the Tie-Chew dialect. Bangkok. Internet Archive, Wikisource transcription

Fielde, A. M. (1878). First lessons in the Swatow dialect. Swatow: Swatow Printing Office Company. Internet Archive, Wikisource transcription project

Gibson, J. C. (1881). Elementary lessons in the Swatow dialect with a vocabulary referring to Dr. Douglas’ Dictionary of the Amoy Vernacular. Swatow: Printed for private use. Internet Archive, Wikisource transcription project

  • This is a revised version of Giles (1877) Handbook of the Swatow dialect with the romanization changed to standardized Pe̍h-ūe-jī.

Giles, H. A. (1877). Handbook of the Swatow dialect. With a vocabulary. Shanghai. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek

Koons, Alvin & Koons, Barbara. (2016) [1967]. Spoken Swatow (2 vols.). Hong Kong: American Baptist Mission. (print on demand)

  • Basic course in Swatow Teochew, with complete phonetic spelling, progressive lessons, and vocabulary list. Emphasizes substitution drills. Highly recommended.

Lim Hiong Seng 林雄成. (1886). Handbook of the Swatow vernacular. Singapore: “Koh Yew Hean” Press. Internet Archive, Wikisource transcription

  • Despite its age, a useful resource for vocabulary and phrases.

Lin Lunlun, Zhu Yongkai 林伦伦、朱永锴 (1997). Cháozhōuhuà yī yuè tōng : pǔtōnghuà duìzhào 《潮州话一月通:普通话对照》 (Learn Teochew in a month). 广东海燕电子音像出版社

  • Simple conversations in Teochew (with Guangdong Pêng’im) alongside Mandarin (with Hanyu Pinyin) translations, the book comes with audio recordings of the conversations.

Qiu Xueqiang 丘学强 (2002). Jiāojì Cháoshànhuà Jíubǎi jù : Cháoshànhuà, Pǔtōnghuà duìzhào 《交际潮汕话九百句:潮汕话、普通话对照》 (Nine hundred sentences of conversational Teochew). 广东嘉应音像出版社.

  • Sentences in Teochew organized thematically alongside Mandarin translations; this book uses its own romanization scheme adapted from Guangdong Pêng’im (e.g. И to represent nasalization); comes with audio recordings

Regional varieties

Egerod, Søren. (1959). Swatow loan words in Siamese. Acta Orientalia 23 : 137-156. Journal website

Hing Jia Wen 王嘉雯. (2013) Cóng yǔmǎ zhǔanhuàn dào yǔyán zhǔanyí : yǐ Bīngláng-yǔ Cháozhōuhuà wéi lì 从语码转换到语言转移:以槟榔屿潮州话为例 (From code-switching to language shift : A case study on Penang Teochew) (M.A. dissertation) National University of Singapore, Singapore and Peking University, China. ScholarBank@NUS

Lee Cher Leng 李子玲. (2003). Xīnjiāpōrén jiǎng de Cháozhōuhuà 「新加坡人講的潮州話」 (Teochew as spoken by Singaporeans), in: Lee Chee Hiang 李志賢 (ed.) Hǎiwài Cháorén de yímín jīngyàn 《海外潮人的移民經驗》 (Migration experience of overseas Teochews).

Lee Cher Leng. Grandmother’s Tongue : Decline of Teochew language in Singapore. In: Li Wei (ed.) Multilingualism in the Chinese diaspora worldwide : Transnational connections and local social realities. New York: Routledge. (ISBN 978-1-138-79424-5)

Li Yongming 李永明. (1986). Cháozhōu fāngyán yǔyīn de nèibù chābíe 潮州方言语音的内部差别 (Local variation in the phonology of Teochew). 《湘潭大学学报(社会科学版)》 1986 (2) : 93-97.

  • Focusing on regional variation within the Chaoshan region in China

Lǐ Yǒngmíng 李永明. (1991). Xīnjiāpō Cháozhōuhuà de wàiyǔ jiècí hé tèshū cíyǔ 「新加坡潮州話的外語借詞和特殊詞語」 (Foreign loan words and unique vocabulary in Singapore Chaozhou dialect). Fāngyán《方言》 1, 56–63.

McFarland, Joanna Rose. (2021). Language contact and lexical changes in Khmer and Teochew in Cambodia and Beyond. In: Carolina Chia, Tom Hoogervorst (eds.) Sinophone Southeast Asia: Sinitic voices across the Southern Seas. Leiden: Brill. doi:10.1163/9789004473263_005 (open access)

Peng, Anne Elise. (2012). Aspects of the syntax of Indonesian Teochew (PhD dissertation). University of Delaware. Author’s page

Thamrin, Lily. (2020). Phonological description of Teochew dialect in Pontianak West Kalimantan. Lingua Cultura, 14(2), 195-201. doi:10.21512/lc.v14i2.6600

Veniranda, Yohana. (2015). Perfective aspect and negation in Pontianak Teochew (Doctoral dissertation). University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware. University of Delaware

Yeo, Pamela Yu Hui. (2011). A sketch grammar of Singapore Teochew (Academic exercise). Singapore: Nanyang Technological University. Nanyang Technological University

Zhāng Chǔhào 張楚浩. (1976). Xīnjīapō Cháozhōuhuà yǔfǎ yánjīu 「新加坡潮州話語法硏究」 (A study of the Chao-chou dialect as spoken in Singapore) (M.A. dissertation). Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. CUHK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

General descriptions

Lǐ Yǒngmíng 李永明. (1959). Cháozhōu Fāngyán 《潮州方言》 (The Chaozhou dialect). Beijing: Zhōnghuá Shūjú 中華書局.

  • Pioneering study of Teochew language, with extensive vocabulary list in both phonetic spelling and characters.

Lín Lúnlún 林倫倫. (2012). Cháoshàn fāngyán: Cháorén de jīngshén jiāyuán 《潮汕方言:潮人的精神家園》(Chaoshan dialect: Chaozhou people’s spiritual home). Guangzhou: Jinan University Press.

  • Lively introduction to several aspects of Teochew language and migration history.

Tung Tong-ho 董同龢 (1959). Sì gè Mǐnnán fāngyán 「四個閩南方言」 (Four Southern Min dialects). Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 30 (2) : 729-1042. BIHP website

Historical linguistics

Huang Shufen 黄淑芬 (2017). Shàntóuhuà dúběn yǔ shíjǐu shìjì mò Cháozhōu fāngyán de yǔyīn xìtǒng〈汕头话读本〉与19世纪末潮州方言的语音系统 (Handbook of the Swatow Vernacular and the phonology of 19th century Teochew)《方言》 2017 (1) : 101-121.

Klöter, Henning. (2011). The language of the Sangleys : A Chinese vernacular in missionary sources of the seventeenth century Leiden: Brill.

  • Proposes that Chinese merchants in 17th century Manila spoke a mixed dialect (“Early Manila Hokkien”) with elements of Hokkien and Teochew, based on contemporary Spanish missionary sources

van der Loon, Piet. (1966, 1967). The Manila Incunabula and early Hokkien studies. Asia Major (New Series) 12 (1) : 1-43, 13 (1) : 95-186. Academia Sinica, Part 1, Part 2

Matthews, Stephen. (2010). Language contact and Chinese. In: Raymond Hickey (ed.) The Handbook of Language Contact pp. 757-769. Wiley. doi:10.1002/9781444318159.ch37

Norman, Jerry. (1991). The Mǐn dialects in historical perspective. In W. S.-Y. Wang (Ed.), Language and Dialects of China, Journal of Chinese Linguistics Monograph Series No. 3 (pp. 323-358). Hong Kong: Chinese University Press. JSTOR

Xú Yǔháng 徐宇航. (2013). 19 shìjì de Cháozhōu fāngyán yīnxì 「十九世紀的潮州方言音系」 (Phonological system of the Chaozhou dialect in the nineteenth century). Journal of Chinese Studies 57, 223–244.

Zeng Xiantong 曾宪通 (1991). Míng běn Cháozhōu xìwén sǔojiàn Cháozhōu fāngyán shū lüè 明本潮州戏文所见潮州方言述略 (Outline of Teochew vernacular found in Ming-era Teochew opera scripts) 《方言》 1991 (1) : 10-29.

Zhang Jingfen (2015). Shàntóuhuà dúběn zhōng de liǎnglèi zhōngxìng wènjù de jǔmò biāojì 〈汕頭話讀本〉中的兩類中性問句的句末標記 (Two types of question endings in Handbook of the Swatow Vernacular)《清華學報》 45 (3) : 487-517. doi:10.6503/THJCS.2015.45(3).05

Teochew culture and history

Ong Sun-liong 王順隆. (2002). Cháoshàn fāngyán súqǔ chàngběn “Cháozhōu gēcè” kǎo 潮汕方言俗曲唱本「潮州歌冊」考 (On the “Teochew Songbooks”, vernacular verses in the Teoswa dialect) 《古今論衡》 7 : 103-119. Academia Sinica

Phua Chay Leong 潘醒農. (1950). Mǎláiyǎ Cháoqiáo Tōngjiàn 《馬來亞潮僑通鑑》. Singapore: Nándǎo Chūbǎnshè 南島出版社.

Phua Chay Leong 潘醒農. (1993). Cháoqiáo Sùyuán Jì 《潮僑溯源集》 (Anthology on the Roots of the Teochew Diaspora). River Edge, N.J.: Global Publishing Co.

Tan Gia Lim. (2018) An introduction to the culture and history of the Teochews in Singapore. Singapore: World Scientific. Publisher site

Wang Gungwu. (2003) [1958]. The Nanhai Trade : Early Chinese trade in the South China Sea. Singapore: Eastern Universities Press.

Wang Yibo. (2019). Liyuan opera Lizhiji : New materials, stories and insights (PhD dissertation) University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh Research Archive

Wū Qīuyù 巫秋玉. (2003). Míng-Qīng shíqī Cháoshàn gángkǒu fāzhǎn yǔ Cháorén xìa Nányáng 「明清時期 潮汕港口發展與潮人下南洋」 (Development of ports in the Chaoshan region and emigration of Chaozhou people to the Nanyang in the Ming and Qing eras), in: Lee Chee Hiang 李志賢 (ed.) Hǎiwài Cháorén de yímín jīngyàn 《海外潮人的移民經驗》 (Migration experience of overseas Teochews).


Chinese, Min Nan. (2019). In David M. Eberhard, G. F. Simons, & C. D. Fennig (Eds.). Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 22nd ed. Dallas, Texas: SIL International. Website

Mair, Victor H. (2003). How to forget your mother tongue and remember your national language. Website

Wong, Simon. (2015). Bible translation of non-Mandarin Han fangyan (dialects) in mainland China : The case of Swatow. The Bible Translator 66 (1) : 24-44. doi:10.1177/2051677015569712

Other Chinese languages

Lin, Philip T. (2015). Taiwanese Grammar : A concise reference Greenhorn Media. Publisher website

Matthews, Stephen & Yip, Virginia. (2011). Cantonese: A comprehensive grammar. 2nd ed. London: Routledge.

Norman, Jerry. (2003). The Chinese dialects: phonology. In G. Thurgood and R. J. LaPolla (Eds.), The Sino-Tibetan Languages. London: Routledge, pp. 72-83.

Snow, Don. (2004). Cantonese as written language : The growth of a written Chinese vernacular. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.

Original content copyright (c) 2019-2024 Brandon Seah, except where otherwise indicated