Language Guide
- Pronunciation - How to pronounce Teochew words, and how to read the phonetic spellings used in this guide
- Numbers and counting - Numbers, dates, time, money
- Personal pronouns – You and I (and many more)
- Demonstrative pronouns – This and That
- Location and direction - Where things are located, going to, or coming from.
- Terms of address – Titles, what to call relatives, common surnames
- Classifiers and gai5 個
- Questions
- Polite language
- Comparisons, degrees, and quantity
- Coordination - Joining together phrases to make complex sentences
- Auxiliary verbs - Verbs that “help” other verbs
- Negatives - Different ways to say “no”
- Verbal complements
- Aspect and time expressions - How to talk about time
- Passives
- Particles - Small words that mean a lot
- Loan words - Loan words and vocabulary unique to Overseas Teochew