Teochew Wiktionary Index

Wiktionary includes Teochew pronunciations of Chinese characters and words. Unfortunately these are indexed by characters, making it difficult to look entries up by pronunciation. Teochew words written with non-standard characters, or which do not have a character, are also hard to find. The same is true for other online dictionaries of Teochew, such as mogher.com. czyzd.com is an exception which offers lookup in both characters and Guangdong Peng’im.

The following is a re-indexing of Chinese entries in English Wiktionary (definitions are in English) by Teochew pronunciation, using Guangdong Peng’im. Some words may have more than one pronunciation, because of the literary vs. vernacular readings or because of regional variation, so these are indexed in more than one place. The advantages of Wiktionary over other online dictionaries is that it is continuously being updated by contributors, and often includes pronunciations, synonyms, and usage in multiple Chinese languages. Click on the character to view the Wiktionary entry.

This index is based on the 2022-01-01 data dump of English Wiktionary. The original entries are written by Wiktionary volunteer editors, and may contain errors, so I cannot vouch for their accuracy.

The original Wiktionary resource is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. This index, as a derivative work, is distributed under the same license. For attribution, please refer to the original Wiktionary pages.

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Original content copyright (c) 2019-2024 Brandon Seah, except where otherwise indicated