The Rain is Falling (folksong)

This is a folk song or nursery rhyme that begins with the line hou6 loh8loh8 雨落落 “the rain is falling”. Here are three different versions from three collections. The basic story of the (short) folk song is the same in all three: Grandpa catches a fish, Grandpa and Grandma disagree on what to do with it, and they get into a fight.

This story is reminiscent of the Hokkien folk song Thiⁿ O͘-o͘ 天烏烏. In version 3 below, a completely different folk song appears to have been fused onto the end of the first, with a short transition.

The first two versions were originally published in Chinese characters only (reproduced below). They illustrate different choices in transcribing specific words that do not have a standard character, like ain3 (“want”) – 欲 / 要. The third version was originally published as a transcription in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), with a Mandarin translation when a corresponding character was not available or unknown. To all three versions, a transcription in Pêng’im has been added.


  1. 《潮屬兒歌》 version (1930)
  2. 《潮歌》 version (1929)
  3. 《四個閩南方言》 version (1959)

《潮屬兒歌》 version (1930)

Source: 徐鋕菴(1930)《潮屬兒歌》(民間文藝叢書)汕頭:文明商務書局。(pg. 138)

Digitized version of the book available from Teochew Store


hou6 loh8(4)loh8

The rain is falling


a1gong1 ke3(2) zah8(4)bo2

Grandpa goes to check the fish trap

zah8bo2 柵箔 – to use a bamboo fence to catch fish


bo2 diêh8(4) zêg8(4)gai5(7) dua7li2(6)bho2

In the trap is a large mother carp


a1gong1 li1 ain3(2) ziah8

Grandpa wants to eat it

ain3 欲 – to want; this source uses the character 欲; elsewhere in this site transcribed as 愛


a1ma2 nê1 ain3(2) bhoi7

Grandma wants to sell it


ag4(8)ghe2 bug4(8)loh8(4)ko2

The quarreling does not cease


no6(7)nang5 siê1pah4 dao3(2) mang2(6)mo5

The two of them fight and pull each others’ hair

《潮歌》 version (1929)

Source: 金天民(1929)《潮歌》南大書局。 (pg. 9)

Digitized version of the book available from Teochew Store


hou6 loh8(4)loh8,

The rain is falling


a1gong1 ke3(2) zah8(4)bo2

Grandpa goes to check the fish trap

This version uses 柵薄 instead of 柵箔 to transcribe zah8bo2.


zah8 diêh8(4) li2(6)he5 gah4(8) kou2(6)co1

In the trap are a carp and fry

kou2co1 苦魦 – a type of small fish, described in Li (1959) as 「像指頭大小的一種小魚,常成群游於水面」 (“a type of small fish that is about the size of a finger, commonly forming schools that swim close to the water surface”)


a1gong1 li1 ain3(2) ze2,

Grandpa wants to boil it

ain3 要 – “to want”; this source uses character 要, elsewhere in this site transcribed as 愛


a1ma2 li1 ain3(2) ko1.

Grandma wants to broil it


no6(7) nang5 siê1pah4 siê1-mang2(6)mo5.

The two of them fight and pull each others’ hair


mang2(6) ke3(2) gin3(2) lao6(7)dia1,

They drag each other to see the magistrate

lao6dia1 老爹 – official, magistrate


lao6(7)dia1 ciê3(2) he1he1,

The magistrate laughs tee hee hee


dan3 ning2 no6(7)-lao6 ho2(6) tig4(8)to5!

Saying, “you two old people are playing a fun game!”

tig4to5 佚佗 – to play; Taiwanese Hokkien uses the characters 𨑨迌 for the corresponding word

ning2 儜 – 2nd person plural pronoun, here transcribed with the character 儜, but in other publications written with 恁

《四個閩南方言》 version (1959)

Source: Tung Tong-ho 董同龢 (1959). Sì gè Mǐnnán fāngyán 「四個閩南方言」 (Four Southern Min dialects). Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 30 (2) : 729-1042. BIHP website

Tung states that his source was 王兆崑, a native of Gêg’ion district who was studying at National Taiwan University.

hou¹⁴ loʔ¹ loʔ⁴

hou6 loh8(4)loh8


The rain is falling

a³³ koŋ³³ kʰə⁴¹ tsaʔ¹ po⁴¹

a1gong1 ke3(2) zah8(4) bo2

阿公 去 閘 箔

Grandpa goes to check the fish trap

tsaʔ¹ tio¹¹ li²⁵ hə⁵⁵ tʰeŋ¹¹ kʰou²⁵ tsʰo⁴⁴

zah8(4) dio7 li2(6)he5 têng5(7) kou2(6)co5

閘着 鯉魚 (同) 苦𩷞

he has caught a carp and fry

a³³ koŋ³³ li⁰ ai⁴¹ tsə⁴¹

a1gong1 li ai3(2) ze2

阿公 哩 愛 煮

Grandpa wants them boiled

a³³ ma⁵² li⁰ ai⁴¹ kʰo³³

a1ma2 li ai3(2) ko1

阿媽 哩 愛 (煎)

Grandma wants them fried

no¹¹ naŋ⁵⁵ sio³³ pʰaʔ²¹ tau⁴¹ maŋ²⁵ mo⁵⁵

no6(7) nang5 sio1pah8(4) dao3(2) mang2(6)mo5

兩儂 相拍 鬥 挽毛

The two get in a fight and pull each other’s hair

maŋ²⁵ kau⁴¹ tsʰaŋ¹¹ huã¹¹ taŋ³³

mang2(6) gao3(2) cang5(7)huan6(7) dang1

挽 到 田岸 中

They tussle out to the fields

ŋo¹¹ tioʔ¹ a¹¹ ku¹⁴ lai⁵⁵

ngo6(7) dioh8(4) a1gu6 lai5

遇着 阿舅 來

and encounter Uncle coming by

liaʔ¹ koi²¹ tʰai⁵⁵

liah8(4) goi1 tai5

掠 雞 刣

He catches a chicken to slaughter

koi³³ kiã⁴¹ soi²¹³

goi1gian2 soi3

雞囝 細

but the chicken is too small

liaʔ¹ aʔ²¹ tʰoi²¹³

liah8(4) ah8(4) toi3

掠 鴨 替

He catches a duck instead

aʔ²¹ oi²⁵ aʔ²¹

ah4 oi2(6) ah4

鴨 喂 鴨

Duck O duck

naŋ¹¹ ai⁴¹ tʰai¹¹ lə⁴¹ tso⁴¹ ni¹¹ tã²¹³

nang5(7) ai3(2) tai5(7) le2 zo3(2)ni5(7) dan3?

儂 愛 刣 汝 做呢 呾

People want to slaughter you, what do you say?

ua⁴¹ tsek¹ me⁵⁵ paŋ⁴¹ tsek¹ pu⁵⁵

ua2 zêg8(4)mê5 bang3(2) zêg8(4) bu5

我 一夜 放 一脬

Every night I leave a pile of dung behind

lə⁴¹ mai⁴¹ tʰai¹¹ ua⁴¹ kʰə⁴¹ tʰai¹¹ gu⁵⁵

l2 mai3(2) tai5(7) ua2 ke3(2) tai5(7) ghu5

汝 勿刣 我 去 刣 牛

Don’t slaughter me, go slaughter the cow

gu⁵⁵ oi²⁵ gu⁵⁵

ghu5 oi2(6) ghu5

牛 喂 牛

Cow O cow

naŋ¹¹ ai⁴¹ tʰai¹¹ lə⁴¹ tso⁴¹ ni¹¹ tã²¹³

nang5(7) ai3(2) tai5(7) le2 zo3(2)ni5(7) dan3?

儂 愛 刣 汝 做呢 呾

People want to slaughter you, what do you say?

teŋ²⁵ kʰu³³ si¹¹ ua²⁵ loi⁵⁵

dêng2(6)ku1 si6(7) ua2(6) loi5

頂區 是 我 犂

I ploughed that field above

e¹¹ kʰu³³ si¹¹ ua²⁵ pe⁵⁵

ê6(7)ku1 si6(7) ua2(6) bê5

下區 是 我 耙

and I tilled that field below

lə⁴¹ mai⁴¹ tʰai¹¹ ua⁴¹ kʰə⁴¹ tʰai¹¹ be⁴¹

le2 mai3(2) tai5(7) ua2 ke3(2) tai5(7) bhê2

汝 勿刣 我 去 刣 馬

Don’t slaughter me, go slaughter the horse

be⁴¹ oi²⁵ be⁴¹

bhê2 oi2(6) bhê2

馬 喂 馬

Horse O horse

naŋ¹¹ ai⁴¹ tʰai¹¹ lə⁴¹ tso⁴¹ ni¹¹ tã²¹³

nang5(7) ai3(2) tai5(7) le2 zo3(2)ni5(7) dan3?

儂 愛 刣 汝 做呢 呾

People want to slaughter you, what do you say?

ua⁴¹ teŋ²⁵ kua²¹³ ia¹¹ a³³ kuã³³

ua2 dêng2(6)guan3 ia7 a1guan1

我 頂旰 X 阿官

The official rode on me yesterday

e¹¹ kua²¹³ ia¹¹ a³³ nio⁵⁵

ê6(7)gua3 ia7 a1nio5

下旰 X 阿娘

And today the maiden

lə⁴¹ mai⁴¹ tʰai ua⁴¹ kʰə⁴¹ tʰai¹¹ iõ⁵⁵

le2 mai3(2) tai5(7) ua2 ke3(2) tai5(7) ion5

汝 勿刣 我 去 刣 羊

Don’t slaughter me, go slaughter the goat

iõ⁵⁵ oi²⁵ iõ⁵⁵

ion5 oi2(6) ion5

羊 喂 羊

Goat O goat

naŋ¹¹ ai⁴¹ tʰai¹¹ lə⁵² tso⁴¹ ni¹¹ tã²¹³

nang5(7) ai3(2) tai5(7) le2 zo3(2)ni5(7) dan3?

儂 愛 刣 汝 做呢 呾

People want to slaughter you, what do you say?

ua⁴¹ bo¹¹ tsiaʔ¹ lə⁴¹ kai⁰ iõ¹¹ kak⁴ tau³³

ua2 bho5(7) ziah8(4) le2-gai ion5(7)gag4(8)dao7

我 無 食 汝個 羊角豆

I didn’t eat your okra beans

iu¹¹ bo¹¹ tsiaʔ¹ lə⁴¹ kai⁰ iõ¹¹ kak⁴ tsʰau⁴¹

iu6(7) bho5(7) ziah8(4) le2-gai ion5(7)gag4(8)cao2

又 無 食 汝個 羊角草

And I didn’t eat the shoots

lə⁴¹ mai⁴¹ tʰai¹¹ ua⁴¹ kʰə⁴¹ tʰai¹¹ kau⁵¹

le2 mai3(2) tai5(7) ua2 ke3(2) tai5(7) gao2

汝 勿刣 我 去 刣 狗

Don’t slaughter me, go slaughter the dog

kau⁵¹ oi²⁵ kau⁵¹

gao2 oi2(6) gao2

狗 喂 狗

Dog O dog

naŋ¹¹ ai⁵¹ tʰai¹¹ lə⁵¹ tso⁴¹ ni¹¹ tã²¹³

nang5(7) ai3(2) tai5(7) le2 zo3(2)ni5(7) dan3?

儂 愛 刣 汝 做呢 呾

People want to slaughter you, what do you say?

teŋ²⁵ haŋ¹¹ si¹¹ ua²⁵ pui¹¹

dêng2(6)hang7 si6(7) ua2(6) bui7

頂巷 是 我 吠

I bark in this alley

e¹¹ haŋ¹¹ si¹¹ ua²⁵ suŋ⁵⁵

ê6(7)hang7 si6(7) ua2(6) sung5

下巷 是 我 巡

and I patrol that alley

lə⁴¹ mai⁴¹ tʰai¹¹ ua⁴¹ kʰə⁴¹ tʰai¹¹ ou³³ tə³³ tʰuŋ⁵⁵

le2 mai3(2) tai5(7) ua2 ke3(2) tai5(7) ou1de1tung5

汝 勿刣 我 去 刣 烏豬豚

Don’t slaughter me, go slaughter the black piglet

ou³³ tə³³ tʰuŋ⁵⁵ oi²⁵ ou³³ tə³³ tʰuŋ⁵⁵

ou1de1tung5 oi2(6) ou1de1tung5

烏豬豚 喂 烏豬豚

Black piglet O black piglet

naŋ¹¹ ai⁴¹ tʰai¹¹ lə⁴¹ tso⁴¹ ni¹¹ tã²¹³

nang5(7) ai3(2) tai5(7) le2 zo3(2)ni5(7) dan3?

儂 愛 刣 汝 做呢 呾

People want to slaughter you, what do you say?

ua⁴ tsek¹ dzek⁴ tsiaʔ¹ dzek¹ tso⁵⁵

ua2 zêg8(4)zêg8 ziah8(4) zêg8(4)zo5

我 一日 食 一糟

Every day I eat up the dregs and swill

lə⁵¹ mai⁴¹ tʰai¹¹ ua⁴¹ kʰə⁴¹ tʰai¹¹ go⁵⁵

le2 mai3(2) tai5(7) ua2 ke3(2) tai5(7) gho5

汝 勿刣 我 去 刣 鵝

Don’t slaughter me, go slaughter the goose

go⁵⁵ oi²⁵ go⁵⁵

gho5 oi2(6) gho5

鵝 喂 鵝

Goose O goose

naŋ¹¹ ai⁵¹ tʰai¹¹ lə⁴¹ tso⁴¹ ni¹¹ tã²¹³

nang5(7) ai3(2) tai5(7) le2 zo3(2)ni5(7) dan3?

儂 愛 刣 汝 做呢 呾

People want to slaughter you, what do you say?

ua⁵² tsiaʔ¹ pa⁴¹ kua¹¹ a³³ kua⁵⁵

ua2 ziah8(4)ba2 gua5(7)a1gua5

我 食飽 䠚啊䠚

When I have eaten my fill I honk and honk

lə⁴¹ mai⁴¹ tʰai¹¹ ua⁴¹ kʰə⁴¹ tʰai¹¹ tsua⁵⁵

le2 mai3(2) tai5(7) ua2 ke3(2) tai5(7) zua5

汝 勿刣 我 去 刣 蛇

Don’t slaughter me, go slaughter the snake

tsua⁵⁵ oi²⁵ tsua⁵⁵

zua5 oi2(6) zua5

蛇 喂 蛇

Snake O snake

naŋ¹¹ ai⁴¹ tʰai¹¹ lə⁴¹ tso⁴¹ ni¹¹ tã²¹³

nang5(7) ai3(2) tai5(7) le2 zo3(2)ni5(7) dan3?

儂 愛 刣 汝 做呢 呾

People want to slaughter you, what do you say?

ua⁴¹ tsek¹ seŋ³³ hue³³ li²⁵ loŋ³³

ua2 zêg8(4)sêng1 huê1 li2(6)long1

我 一身 花 XX

I have spots and patterns all over my body

lə⁴¹ mai⁴¹ tʰai¹¹ ua⁴¹ kʰə⁴¹ tʰai¹¹ niau²⁵ tsʰə²⁵ koŋ³³

le2 mai3(2) tai5(7) ua2 ke3(2) tai5(7) niao2(6)cê2(6)gong1

汝 勿刣 我 去 刣 貓鼠公

Don’t slaughter me, go slaughter the rat

niau²⁵ tsʰə²⁵ koŋ³³ oi²⁵ niau²⁵ tsʰə²⁵ koŋ³³

niau2(6)cê2(6)gong1 oi2(6) niau2(6)cê2(6)gong1

貓鼠公 喂 貓鼠公

Rat O rat

naŋ¹¹ ai⁴¹ tʰai¹¹ lə⁴¹ tso⁴¹ ni¹¹ tã²¹³

nâng5(7) ai3(2) tai5(7) le2 zo3(2)ni5(7) dan3?

儂 愛 刣 汝 做呢 呾

People want to slaughter you, what do you say?

ua⁴¹ tsek¹ me⁵⁵ liu²⁵ kai¹¹ kʰaŋ³³

ua2 zêg8(4)mê5 liu2(6) gai5(7) kang1

我 一夜 X 個 空

Every night I dig a hole

lə⁴¹ mai⁴¹ tʰai¹¹ ua⁴¹ kʰə⁴¹ tʰai¹¹ pʰaŋ³³

le2 mai3(2) tai5(7) ua2 ke3(2) tai5(7) pang1

汝 勿刣 我 去 刣 蜂

Don’t slaughter me, go slaughter the wasps

pʰaŋ³³ oi²⁵ pʰaŋ³³

pang1 oi2(6) pang1

蜂 喂 蜂

Wasp O wasp

naŋ¹¹ ai⁴¹ tʰai¹¹ lə⁴¹ tso⁴¹ ni¹¹ tã²¹³

nang5(7) ai3(2) tai5(7) le2 zo3(2)ni5(7) dan3?

儂 愛 刣 汝 做呢 呾

People want to slaughter you, what do you say?

uaŋ⁴¹ hiã³³ ti¹⁴ tsʰek⁴ tsʰaĩ³³

uang2 hian1di6 cêg4(8)cain1

阮 兄弟 七千

We are seven thousand brothers

The final -oin is often pronounced -ain in the Gig-ion 揭陽 accent, e.g. cain1 vs. coin1 千 in this line, and gain1 vs. goin1 間 below.

kʰi²⁵ tsʰu²¹³ teŋ¹¹ kaĩ³³

ki2(6)cu3 dêng6(7)gain1

起厝 重間

Who have built a sturdy house

tsʰiõ³³ to³³ iam¹¹ iam¹⁴

cion1do1 iam6(7)iam6

槍刀 炎炎

Our knives and spears are flashing

ai⁴¹ tʰai⁵⁵ tsiu¹¹ lai⁵⁵

ai3(2) tai5 ziu6(7) lai5!

愛 刣 就 來

If you want to slaughter us, come and try!

Original content copyright (c) 2019-2024 Brandon Seah, except where otherwise indicated