Uniquely Teochew/Minnan Kinship Terms (4)

This is the fourth in a series of posts on Teochew kinship terms, featuring words used to address relatives that are found in Teochew or other Minnan languages but not in Mandarin.

An unusual feature of Teochew kinship terms is that “fraternal nephew/niece” (brother’s child) uses the same word 孫 sung1 as “grandchild”. Other Min Chinese languages also have this feature.

走孫 zao2sung1 • brother’s daughter (fraternal niece) • 姪女 zhínǚ

逗孫 dao1sung1 • brother’s son (fraternal nephew) • 姪兒 zhíér

孫 sung1 • grandson • 孫子 sūnzǐ

孫女 sung1neng2 • granddaughter • 孫女 sūnnǚ

Nieces and nephews are differentiated with the prefixes 走 zao6 and 逗 dao1 respectively. These are presumably contractions of 查某 za1bhou2 “female” and 查埔 da1bou1 “male”.

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Posted on 2021-01-29 00:00:00 +0000

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